時間:每個星期日 上午 09:30 — 10:45 Time: Sunday, 9:30 - 10:45 am
地點:Modesto Chinese Christian Church Location:Modesto Chinese Christian Church
2120 Prescott Rd, Modesto, CA 95350 2120 Prescott Rd, Modesto, CA 95350
兒童照顧與主日學 可用。 Childcare and Sunday School are available.
網絡敬拜 Online worship
教會已開始使用YouTube 實況轉播主日崇拜,您可在教會的YouTube頻道觀看。崇拜時間為每週日上午9:30到10:45。 點擊這裡觀看 或查看先前的講道。
The Modesto Chinese Christian Church will livestream our Sunday Service through the Church's YouTube Channel during our Sunday service time, 9:30am to 10:45am. Click here to watch, or to view previous sermons.
The Modesto Chinese Christian Church will livestream our Sunday Service through the Church's YouTube Channel during our Sunday service time, 9:30am to 10:45am. Click here to watch, or to view previous sermons.